Okay, so this is going to be a quick little check-in and introduction to my personal blog, I’m going to cover what I’m going to be doing with it. I started this blog recently, a bit more than a month ago now, the first blog post was sort of a trial run, to see how potentially I was going to structure and set up my blog posts, and what I was going to cover. I really liked how the first post turned out, so I want to keep doing more of them.
So, this is my personal blog! I’m Jackviel, and I’m a Computer Science major at the University of Central Florida. I’m going to be using this blog to talk about various topics and learning experiences, mostly concerning my CS ventures.
I’m looking to post at least twice a month to talk about what I’m doing at that certain time and give a little bit of insight on my experience.
Okay now let’s talk about what currently happening, right now, I’m currently ending a project that I started recently, I’ll be polishing it and publishing it and then I’m going to be starting a big, big project.
My next project is going to be a big full stack web development project that also has a bit of AI. So, it’s going to be a huge project, my biggest project yet, in fact. I’m very excited because it’s going to be using a lot of different technologies and areas of software development that I haven’t really ventured onto yet.
I’m hopeful I can end the project that I’m currently working on quickly so I can start my next one right away because I’m super super excited to work with a lot of stuff that people work on day-to-day in the industry. I’ve never worked with the backend of web development, so I’m really interested to see what I fancy more, the backend or the frontend. I suspect it’s going to be backend, but you never know. So yeah, it’s going to be a big boy. It’s going to be great.
So that will be the end of this post, a little introduction to the blog. I’ll surely be posting a lot of this next project. That’s about it. See ya later!